Wednesday, December 10, 2008

firsts & lasts

FIRST REAL BEST FRIEND: tie, Tammy Marshall, Kathleen Russell & Shannon West

FIRST SCHOOL: Russell School, Mansfield


FIRST FUNERAL: I think my great aunt's

FIRST PET: Cindy Lou

FIRST BIG TRIP: Disneyland with my Granny Bernice & Aunt Dot

FIRST FIGHT: see first friend, Kathleen Russell kicks my a**


FIRST KISS: P-John Christenberry

FIRST TIME OUT OF THE COUNTRY?: mexico when I was a kid with my mom

FIRST JOB: Lee's Supermarket, Mansfield



LAST PERSON YOU HUGGED: a patient's mom while ago

LAST CAR RIDE: car, this morning on the way to work...ambulance, a few minutes ago

LAST TIME YOU CRIED?: this morning

LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED: Single Santa Seeks Mrs. Santa



LAST SHIRT WORN: this ugly uniform shirt





LAST TIME AT THE MALL: last week with Mindi


LAST PERSON YOU SAW: this person I am working with




Monday, December 01, 2008

Christmas meme

Christmas Goodies

1. Post the rules on your blog.
2. Fill out the questions below
3. Tag 5-7 people at the end of your post.
4. Pass on the tag.Have FUN!!

1.Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate?
Hot Chocolate with lots of mini marshmellows

2.Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree?
sit them out

3. Colored lights on tree/house or white?
white on the tree and house

4. Do you hang mistletoe?
If we have some.

5. When do you put your decorations up?
Thanksgiving weekend

6. What is your favorite holiday dish (excluding dessert)?
I don't know, let me taste them again....

7. Favorite holiday memory as a child:
When I was small and we all gathered at Granny Todd's and Papaw's. There would be 30or 40 people there. Loud, loving and lots of love.

8. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa?
I woke up Christmas morning to find the toys out were the toys hidden in my mom's shower the day before.

9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve?

10. How do you decorate your Christmas Tree? white lights, then little Santa Claus lights, tons of Hallmark ornaments mostly supplied by Granny Glenda (what will I do when I have to actually give them to the kids they belong to?), some pretty braided wood stars, special ornaments made by the kids and new this year, some red beads.

11. Snow! Love it or Dread it?
Snow in Texas? very rare

12. Can you ice skate?
Never tried.

13. Do you remember your favorite gift?
I got a princess telephone with a note with my new very own number and the hookup date, December 26th when I was a teenager from my mom

14. What is the most important thing about the Holidays for you?
remembering Jesus' birth and spending time with my family

15. What is your favorite Holiday Dessert?
not much on desserts

16. What is your favorite holiday tradition?
We are having to make new traditions.

17. What tops your tree?
a star of braided wood

18. Which do you prefer giving or receiving?
both are funbut I love finding gifts that when they are opened that brings a sincere suprised smile and not the "oh you shouldn't have" smile.

19. What is your favorite Christmas Song?"
it was a story called Small One on a Burl Ives Christmas album my mom had when I was a kid. I have searched for a copy and can't find it, I would LOVE to have a copy of that.

20. Candy Canes! Yuck or Yum?

21. What do you want for Christmas?

22. Do you attend an annual Christmas Party?

23. Do you dress up on Christmas or wear PJs?
comfy clothes

24. Do you own a santa hat?

25. Who do you normally spend Christmas with?
christmas day, my kids and kevin. my siblings & I started a new thing 2 years ago, the saturday before christmas eve we gather, eat and have chinese christmas. FUN!

I'm not good about tagging people, but if you want to play, join us and let me know so I can come and read your answers

Thursday, November 27, 2008

My girl's birthday.

Today my oldest little girl turns 18. Where has the time gone? I can't even begin to tell you what a wonderful gift she has been to me. She is kind, loyal, honest, strong, determined, focused, and smart, incredibly smarter than I was at 18. I can count on one hand how many times I have had to really discipline her, she does that to herself. She loves cheerleading, shopping, sleeping late, goulash, peace signs, dancing, coaching at twisters, her birthday on Thanksgiving day, her family, friends, JJ and me. She hates racism, liars, the left side of her hair, math, and cheese. So Katelyn, on this milestone birthday I tell you HAPPY BIRTHDAY and I wish that all your wishes come true and I humbly thank GOD for eighteen years ago giving me the gift of being your mother.

Friday, November 21, 2008

One Word

I saw this over at mama's on a playdate and it looked fun, so I copied it.

One Word

I'm inviting you to join me in this one too. Put your answers in the comment section or copy to your blog and then leave a comment if you want to participate.

You can only type ONE Word! Not as easy as you might think.
Change the answers to suit you and pass it on.
It's really hard to only use one word answers.
You can only type one word, on each line.

Where is your cell phone? kitchen

Where is your significant other? asleep

Your hair? graying

Your mother? gone

Your father? troubled

Your favorite thing? hugs

Your dream last night? insane

Your dream/goal? peace

The room you're in? den

Your fear? death

Where do you want to be in 6 years? happy

Where were you last night? home

What you're not? skinny

Muffins? yummy

One of your wish list items? vacation

Where you grew up? Mansfield

The last thing you did? potty

What are you wearing? clothes

Your TV? ancient

Your pet? spastic

Your computer? distracting

Your life? stressful

Your mood? quiet

Missing someone? Mom

Your car? cluttered

Something you're not wearing? makeup

Your summer? good

Love someone? yes

Your favorite color? red

When is the last time you laughed? today

Last time you cried? today

Looking forward to your answers,

Thursday, November 20, 2008

44 things about me

1. Do you like blue cheese? nasty

2. Have you ever smoked? very nasty, no

3. Do you own a gun? no

4. What flavor of Kool-Aid was your favorite? Tropical Punch, no, grape

5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? no, I cancel them before I get the chance

6. What do you think of hot dogs? got any chili and cheese?

7. Favorite Holiday Movie? Single Santa Seeks Mrs. Santa and the sequel, Meet the Santas with Steve Guttenberg and Crystal Bernard, I will have to dig those up and watch them this weekend! So good.

8. Favorite thing to drink in the morning? really, really cold milk, pulpy orange juice or tea

9. Can you do push ups? hahahaha, someone come help me up off the floor

10. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? I have several. all gifts.

11. What's your favorite hobby? blogging or scrapping if I had time

12. Do you have A.D.D.? I must, I just retyped this questionnaire so it would look better

13. What trait do you hate about yourself? fat

14. Middle name? Lynne

15. Name 3 thoughts this exact moment; some issues between kevin & cody, I need to clean & purge around this house before decorations come out & I REALLY need to go to bed

16. What do you read in the bathroom? my Sunday school lesson, magazines, the novel I'm reading if I remember to take it in there

17. Current worry? Cody & Kevin

18. Current hate right now? Everyone thinking they would know what to do in my shoes and telling me what I ought to do instead of being supportive

19. Favorite place to be? almost anywhere with my family and friends, I'd love it to be the beach

20. How did you bring in the New year? sleeping

21. Where would you like to go? Mexican beach resort

22. Name three people who will complete this? not sure

23. Do you own slippers? somewhere

24. What shirt are you wearing? ugly white tshirt

25. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? no

26. Can you whistle? barely

27. Favorite color? red

28. Would you be a pirate? no

29. What songs do you sing in the shower? none, I enjoy the quiet

30. Favorite girl's name? katelyn if she is listening and skylar if she is listening :)

31. Favorite boy's name? cody

32. What's in your pocket right now? eight dollars woo hoo

33. Last thing that made you laugh? Cody & Skylar playing basketball

34. What vehicle do you drive? VW Jetta

35. Worst injury you've ever had? broken heart

36. Do you love where you live? I do, would love it more if I had $$$ to finish the remodel

37. How many TVs do you have in your house? 4

38. I guess number 38 got lost :(

39. Do you have any pets? 3 dogs, an iguana, some fish, a turtle, a hamster, a bird and a husband

40. Does someone have a crush on you? my husband does, crazy man

41. Your favorite books? anything by Karen Kingsbury and Debbie Macomber

42. Do you collect anything? wrinkles

43. Favorite sports team? Canton Eagles of course

44. What song do you want played at your funeral? I Can Only Imagine by Mercy Me

Common girls, link this to your blogs and lets get to know each other better!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Miss Vivi Jo Lester

I have a Mt Vernon friend, Kim Lester, that I have reconnected with through blogging. She blogs over at Celebrating Everyday Life. She was raising her "first" batch of kids in Mt Vernon at the same time I was there raising my first "batch." She and her husband, Paul, adopted the most precious little boy from China last year. Max is adorable and will capture your heart if you read their blog. Recently, Paul and Kim have started another chapter in their family story to adopt a daughter, also from China.
Tuesday, November 11th, Vivian Josephine joined Britney, Mark, Hayden, and Max to make Paul and Kim parents of five! God had a wonderful plan for this precious child and she will be loved to pieces. My purpose in sharing their story is two-fold. One, that you will be blessed by their amazing family and two, that you will pray as they prepare to travel home with Vivi on Thursday. Miss Vivi has horrible motion sickness and China to Texas involves a small amount of travel. ;) Please read and enjoy their story and keep them in your prayers as they travel. I LOVE this sweet picture of Vivi, coloring intently. And check out the bow. Kim is the queen of BIG hairbows. I have several pictures of Britney in the day when the bow was bigger than the girl!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Skylar and Dr. Carter's office

We have had a couple of HORRIBLE dental experiences with Skylar. In light of this, her regular dental visits have suffered but with great thanks to our friends, Lorrane and Rebekah Epps, those days are behind us! We went several weeks ago and had an introduction visit with Dr. John Carter, a pediatric dentist in Tyler. She immediately, as did I, felt relaxed with him and his assistant Ms. Gail. Yesterday our girl had an appointment with them to fix a nasty cavity. As you can see, the girl loves the gas. She was giggling and wiggling like she wanted to bust a dance move to the music in her head and they were SUPERB with her. Other than the tingly, moderately painful feeling of the "pinches" wearing off last night our experience was wonderful. I can't thank Dr. Carter and his entire kind staff for changing how we feel about going to the dentist. Thank you Lorraine for sharing him with us! If only he would treat my dentist phobic large child, Kevin.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Cheer Season

This past Friday was Katelyn's last football pep rally and football game at
Canton. She has been cheering for Canton since the 7th grade. I hadn't really let myself dwell on that "last" thing so I was holding it all together rather well. But, obviously, Skylar had picked up on it being the "last" and had been stewing on it because when they went to sing the school song, I looked down and she was having herself a good cry. She said she doesn't want Katelyn to leave her. Well, that did it I was crying right there in the gym with her. So, if you saw me Friday at the pep rally, yes, I was crying as the seniors swayed in their circle singing Old Christmas Tree with the I love Canton High School words.

The sadness was short lived though because we are in the middle of competition cheer season baby and it was off to Denton for us on Sunday. The team is looking great and improving with every competiton. Sunday was a short day, we had to be there at 10 for Katelyn to coach the little girls, she competed early afternoon, we were out of there late afternoon and home at a decent hour. We have a couple weeks off and we are headed to Denton again on Skylar's birthday. Here's hoping for a win. Those kids deserve it, they work really hard!

Monday, November 10, 2008


Today my son is 25 years old. I can't believe he is 25. It seems like just a short time ago that I was holding that sweet, tow headed boy in my lap, with his blanket, reading stories. I always heard that there isn't another love like that between a mother and child and this child proved that truth to me. There have been times when I could have strangled him with my own two hands but I can't imagine my world without him. When he is happy, my heart feels like it will burst and when he is sad, my heart has pain. Cody hasn't always made the wisest choices and is paying for those choices now but I know he is strong and he will succeed. He is a very introverted soul but I know inside his heart there is much love and a desire for a happy life. I pray this year brings him happiness and success. I just wanted to share my son with you on this very special day. I love you Cody. Mom


6 things I value:

1. my faith, he sustains me
2. my family, dysfunction and all
3. my friends, a very eclectic bunch
4. my health, amazingly good for a fat girl
5. my job,I like the paycheck
6. my freedom

6 things I don't value:

1. drama
2. lack of sleep
3. my time management skills
4. 911 abusers
5. being late, see number 3
6. two faced people

6 people I'm tagging

1. I'm a sad little blogger
2. I don't have any blogger
3. people
4. so if you read
5. my blog and want to be tagged
6. consider yourself tagged

Tuesday, November 04, 2008


This is the first 48 hour shift I have worked in a good while. I remember now why...I am tired and want to go home! We have been watching the election returns. Sad. Really really sad. Going to try and take my boots off for awhile and clear my head. Earnestly pray for our nation.

Always late..

that is a good description of me. Especially yesterday. I was an hour late for work thanks to the flat I had on the way to work. UGH! And then I completely missed my post yesterday. I was going to write this long, encouraging, it's your obligation as an American to get out and vote today blog but since I was at work it never happened. And since I am still at work it is just now happening, the short and sweet version. I do sincerely hope that everyone has used the gift we have been given and exercised your right to vote. And I hoped you voted the right way, my way ;)

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Halloween, Senior night and Robert's birthday

Here's a photo of our little Midnight Fairie! Halloween this year was messed up for us. Kevin left early to go deer hunting (yuck) and left me here all alone (do I get an awwww?) to handle the school party, the pep rally, trick or treating, giving out candy AND of all the dang football games to pick-it was senior night at the game. So I went to the party, raced to the pep rally, raced home and got the fairie ready, pawned her off on my friend Mindi for awhile, raced to the football field to escort Katelyn across the field, back to get Skylar, trick or treated awhile, handed out candy awhile and then raced back to the game to watch them get beat :( I was pooped but the fairie had a good night so I suppose that is all that matters.

Before the nasty tummy thing started Saturday I did my usual day after the holiday 6am half-price holiday restock at Walmart. The pickings were slim this year but I did get a few things and was home, back in bed by 7. That pretty much sums up the weekend, Halloween, senior night, the virus and half price sales but

before I sign off tonight I want to tell my friend, Slobert, as Skylar calls him a wonderful HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! And tell him that he is an important part of our family and we all love him very much and sorry we didn't celebrate this weekend but we will get it in soon. Oh and by the way................ YOU ARE OLDER THAN ME!

My November 1st post, late....

I missed my first day of my 30 days of posts challenge. I hope yall will forgive me, as you can see from the picture, these guys have been my friends for the last 24 hours and they have been quite demanding along with their friend stomach cramps. I'm just hoping they are gone before I start a 48 hour shift tomorrow and nobody else at my house comes down with it.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

I really am crazy!

I am accepting the challenge from Jenny over at Mama's on a Playdate. 30 days of blogging....oh my, can I do it? It'll be a breeze, I have all the spare time in the world. Don't you? Come on, take the dare with me. See ya Saturday, surely I can think of something to say the first day.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


There isn't any pain like the pain in your heart when your child makes stupid choices and hurts themselves.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My friend!

Last Sunday in Sunday school we had to share if we were still friends with anyone we went to school with. Sadly, I had to answer no and that has had me thinking about my friends and friendships all week. I am so very blessed with many friendships but my thoughts keep returning to my oldest, in more ways than one ;0 friend. Twenty five years ago I walked into the Party Barn Flower Shop in Mount Vernon to order yet another potted plant to send to a deceased great, great someone's funeral in my family. It was late summer, I was enormously pregnant with Cody, my feet were swollen and I just wanted to go home to my momma. As I approached the desk, the owner of the shop at the time, Dorothy Jordan was busy working on a beautiful casket spray and was having a SERIOUS cry. I'd done a fair amount of business there and sort of knew her. I asked if she was okay. Dorothy said she was fine, just really busy. She had two funerals to get done, her mom and sister that helped her were both home with a virus and her pregnant daughter had just called and she also had the virus. Her daughter just wanted her mom to bring her a sprite and some chicken noodle soup. Dorothy had to tell her I'm sorry, I just can't come. She helped me send a plant to my relatives and as I was leaving I told her I would take her daughter some soup and sprite if she would tell me where to go. Us pregnant girls have to stick together, even if we are strangers! I got the supplies and headed off to the address I had been given, walked up the walk and knocked. The door opened and there she stood. That was no stranger. That was the mean grumpy customer service person at my bank. Notice here that she is the mean grumpy one. Of course it was NOT me, I was the nice, gentle customer. I shoved the sack at her and hissed in my nice, gentle customer voice, here, your mother wanted you to have this stuff. She opened the sack and then stared at me, turned and bolted to the bathroom dropping the sack. I thought to myself, well crap, serves her right for being so mean. :0 I picked the sack up and walked in the house. Don't really remember what we said but twenty five years later, me getting that virus from her, five kids, a few husbands, an across the state rescue, the divorce of her parents, the death of my parents, some serious hard times of all kinds and my friend is still a phone call away. There are alot of things in my life that I am not sure of but one thing I know for certain, Lynn is a phone call away. She's been here in a couple of hours to keep the girls when I had the flu and she'd be here in a couple of hours with a shovel to help bury Kevin in the backyard if I need her. We are completely different souls, haven't ever nor will we ever agree on everything but I love her with a fierceness few would ever understand and I know she feels the same about me. I can look back on times when her hand was the ONLY thing that kept me above water. So, although I have lost touch with all of my childhood friends, God has dropped a perfect replacement in their place. I love Lynn Jordan and I am looking forward to the good and bad times of the next twenty five years!

God, I am so grateful

I was just having an IM conversation with a friend in Afghanistan. Noah serves as a civilian government contractor there. I asked how he was doing and he told me okay, just missing stuff. I asked him what specifically he was missing that I take for granted. He told me grass and animals. Wow! This morning I came home from my 24 hour shift, walked across MY grass to get yesterday's mail, walked into MY house to be greeted by MY enormously happy to see me dogs and somewhat happy to see me kids and never once gave a thought to how lucky I am to live in a country with the freedom to take these things for granted. He also said he missed long, hot, uninterupted showers and good food. This 5 minute chat has changed my focus this morning. Wow! Grass, pets, showers and good food. All things I am enjoying this morning. Have a good day my friends and as you go through your day, give thanks for everything we have and ask blessings on our people serving for our freedom all over the world!

Friday, October 10, 2008

I wanna win!

I wanna win! I really love to win. I never win. :( My blogger friend Tammy is having a special giveaway celebrating her new blog design. She is a very special lady as you can see from her personal blog above. But do yourself a huge favor and check out her ministry blog below. This woman has climbed over mountains and is still climbing to reach the challenge God has laid before her. Read her blogs, enter her contest, but more importantly add her and her Chrysalis House to your prayer list!

Monday, October 06, 2008


During all the homecoming festivities we celebrated our 10th anniversary. If you can call our version of the day celebrating. I was at work for 24 hours and he did the yard. But here we are, 10 years later with my kids, Skylar, 3 dogs, a hamster, some fish, a bird, a turtle, a mortgage and some car payments. Some would be angry that such a milestone was spent in an ordinary way but I like our ordinary.

Homecoming 2008

He was extremely honored that she asked him to be her escort.
She looks pretty good.

I can't believe that she is this grown up.

school homecoming pep rally

and the school pep rally.

Homecoming Parade 2008

And the homecoming parade/pep rally. Skylar is proud of her big sister and here's another one of the loser boyfriend. Can you tell I don't like him?

Homecoming Bonfire

The first homecoming activity was the bonfire. Here is a picture of her cheering and the fire and even one of the loser boyfriend. He usually manages to dodge all my picture taking efforts. Let me tell you that boy is every mother's worst nightmare in a first serious boyfriend. NOT! Don't tell him I said that we have a hate-hate relationship going. I don't want to mess with that.

Duchess in the house

We have a duchess in the house! Katelyn was named Senior Class Homecoming duchess. She always looks like a duchess. We planned to shop for dresses, duchesses need dresses you know, on September 13th. Thanks to Hurricane Ike and the forecasted 60-80 mph wind and deadly rain we were suppose to get, we had to postpone and then barely had a storm. We went on Tuesday, the 16th, after school. We made a mad run to Whatchamacallits, actually managed to find what we needed, didn't try to kill each other, ate at Cracker Barrel, and made it to bed at an almost decent hour. Go Us!

new teeth

I am so behind I am going to do catch up in increments. I promise, they will be winded but so is my life! First, I will tell you about Skylar's "new teeth." I have been concerned that none of her baby teeth were loose but anyone that knows her knows she is health "paranoid." She hates any doctor, dentist or anyone that might want to "look" at her. In light of this, I have kept my concerns to myself and of course, BOOM, they blow up in my face. The first week of August, she lets out a blood curdling scream and comes running to me, opens her mouth and fearfully shows me she has bottom baby teeth, that aren't loose, and 2 perfect, although too far back, permanent teeth right behind them! Holy crap, I am thinking while showing absolutely no concern to keep her from burying herself alive. That's just GREAT! I call and get her a dentist appoinment with a new guy that is suppose to be understanding and not hold her down like the previous 2 jerks,(that's a whole other post). Well, the appointment has to wait until after our Galveston trip, and after my nieces come for a week. So I am praying hard, please little baby teeth come out, please, please, PLEASE. No such luck. Two weeks pass and the appointment arrives, good parent that I am, I don't tell her the truth about where we are going until we get there. She is in freak out mode. The hygentist manages to convince her to go with her and sit in the chair. I was suprised. Then the most non-traditional looking dentist in jeans and a ponytail convinces her to open her mouth. She does and lets him poke around. Yes, she likes him. He tells her, new teeth, that is FABULOUS, you get a prize. He assures me that he sees this everyday and that we will just wait until November or so and if the babies don't come out he will "help" them out with her on sedation. Yes, I said sedation, I will let them sedate her. You come try healthcare for her any other way! Well, thank you Jesus, in the whirlwind that is our life those babies came out at school. Yes! Not without drama but out, they are gone! As you can see from her picture above the new teeth are moving up to the right places quickly. Yea, problem solved itself. Now maybe that molar with the cavity will heal itself before November! Anyway, thanks Lorraine and Bekah for telling us about the pediatric dentist KING!

my nieces

On the way home from our Galveston vacation, I met up with Stephanie and traded her my Jetta for her Suburban and 2 kids. Here are a couple of pictures of my nieces while they were here for a week. I really loved having them here although the girls and Skylar together are a handful! I am so glad I had this opportunity to really get to know them, their likes and dislikes. I feel like I really am their Aunt and when I talk to Stephanie I understand what she is talking, frustrated and/or concerned about. I can't wait until next summer to have them again. We are going to plan their trip around Summer Week of Choir at church. It will be GREAT! It will be even better if there aren't any thunderstorms that week.


Because we weren't sure how the surgery would turn out we didn't plan a vacation. When things turned out great, we decided to go to Galveston the same week as my friend Mindi and her family. Katelyn and her loser boyfriend, JJ (I really don't like the kid, you know teenagers, if she thinks I like him she might dump him so I am sticking to the I don't like him story), Kevin, Skylar and I went. We had a great time but Mindi's family may never tell their vacation plans again! Skylar wasn't sure about the ocean water, I think we failed to tell her in advance it was salt water. We played at the beach, at the pool, fed the pigeons off the balcony,played some serious putt-putt and had a great night out at the Rainforest Cafe. We all needed the break and this one was perfect!

Happy Birthday to me!

I've had a tumor in my throat for some time and in the spirit of denial, I have been denying its existence. For a year or so it has been causing me problems with swallowing. Apparently from the look of my big butt, not nearly enough problems. But in all good cases of denial, it blew up. Well the tumor didn't literally blow up but it did get too big to ignore. So for my birthday, I got my throat cut, literally. All the tests came back benign and I have this awesome scar that looks like a bad wrinkle and a little yellow pill daily for the rest of my life. I will take it, it could've been worse. Surgeon is a pretty good seamstress don't ya think?

blogger moron

Okay, I am a blogger moron. I found some blogs that I thought I posted that were actually saved so be ready for blog overload. Comments always welcome. Have fun reading.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Labor Day

In honor of Labor Day and paricipating in a meme started over at rocks in my dryer ....

How long were your labors?
all three were hours and hours of unproductive contractions but I don't remember the exact hours.

How did you know you were in labor?
Cody was when my water broke on the worst day of an ice storm in 1983, 3 weeks late.
Katelyn was induced 2 weeks late.
Skylar was induced a week early after I threatened to borrow a gun and shoot Dr. Barrett unless she was born on my mother's birthday.

Where did you deliver?
Harris in Ft Worth for Cody.
Baylor Dallas for Katelyn.
ETMC Athens for Skylar.

are you kidding? absolutely!

Cody, finally!
Katelyn, no.
Skylar, yes.

Who delivered?
Cody, Dr. Rimmer.
Katelyn, Dr. Deborah Fuller.
Skylar, Dr. David Barrett.

If you want to play along with this meme, just cut and paste the questions into your own blog and leave me a comment.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Senior Lunch

I have been having such a hard time with Katelyn and this whole senior thing but today God showed me it will be okay. They get to leave for senior lunch and guess where they came? Yes! Our house. I am so happy and I know they will be back because they asked what we were having next week but I might need a second job to feed them! If you have any cheap, good lunch crowd recipes send them my way.

Monday, August 25, 2008

katelyn's last first day

Today is Katelyn's last first day in public school. I have this softball size lump in my throat. The years have flown by and I know this year will also. Katelyn started school in Mount Vernon where she knew all the teachers, so she was very comfortable going on her first day. On the way in she told me, "don't kiss me in front of everyone, they will think I am a baby." I wanted to curl up and cry. This precious, vivatious, honorable, young woman is one of God's greatest blessings in my life. I looked at her this morning and all I feel for myself is extreme gratitude that she has been in my life everyday and has allowed me to be so much a part of hers both physically and emotionally. Looking at her, I have such a sadness that her "dad" has chosen to be so distant from her. He doesn't have a clue how much he has missed and that truly saddens me. In his mind he justifies it by saying I took her away but those of you that know me know I never did that. He chose to take care of other things instead of his relationship with his children. In nine short months she will graduate and she has so many plans and dreams. I pray that they all come true for her and that her life is as happy as her existance has made me.

Also in the pictures above is our baby, Skylar, headed off to second grade. She wasn't nearly as excited to go as Katelyn. She will be fine, she just doesn't like changes and the whole new teacher and new school (Canton completely remodeled and expanded the elementary this summer) thing is alot for her to accept. The school looked fabulous and when I left her, she was doing okay but still a little nervous. I can't believe she will finish elementary this year and move to another campus. Canton Elementary has been wonderful for her and all of her teachers deserve a huge thank you for their part in her development. All my friends say, "I want this teacher and that teacher," but I can honestly say we have been blessed having Mrs. Moore and Mrs. Pierce. I prayed for God to provide the "right" teacher for Skylar and he has gone above and beyond with those two. I prayed the same prayer this year and I am positive that he has provided us with our perfect match in Mrs. Wilkerson. I look forward to watching their relationship develop and the lessons she will provide for Skylar.

So today we started another school year at our house, I am both excited and apprehensive. I know lots of you have stories about your first day this year, let me hear from you about them.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Can we hear it for the tropical storm?

Well, I'm not surprised but we have had to postpone our quickly planned vacation thanks to Tropical Storm Edouard. We were leaving this morning at 9 but what's the point if the entire drive we will be in pouring down rain and 50mph wind with more rain once we get there? The drive is going to be soooooooo much fun anyway with the girls in the back seat. She's touching me, she has my blanket, are we there yet? And of course Katelyn's "when and what are we going to eat?

We will be trying again early Wednesday so please cross your fingers.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

What was I thinking?

Here I sit today in 200 degree Texas weather in the middle of my driveway having a garage sale! How could I forget how much work this is? Why do I insist on being in control of so much crap? I mean how did I get all this crap in the first place? I thought I was simplifying my life. So why do I just keep collecting more STUFF? hmmmmmmmmmmm

Well, at least the darn kittens and that whining momma cat went home with someone else! Woooohoo successful garage sale!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh well there is still all this crap that needs to go. Anybody need a truly ugly sofa? Worn out twin mattress? My great grandmother's really ugly china? Come on help a sister out.

And look at the girl. All the work she did wore her out, I mean watching your mother work her fingers to the bone while you sit on the yard sale items and myspace on your laptop is just so hard.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

What's In My Car?

I am accepting the challenge from Shannon at Rocks In My Dryer with a smile on my face because I am not trashy! Well, not this month anyway since I just bought my new car. Yeah me! I promised myself I'd try to not be such a trash heap in this car. We won't even talk about the mountain of stuff in the garage that I took out of the Honda when I passed it over to K8! Inside the new Jetta you will find a Walmart sack of Christmas wreath stuff from a garage sale last weekend, the garage sale ads from this morning's hunt, a Fossil purse I got while ago for $1 & it looks new!, yesterday's Sonic root beer cup, a Sonic sack with trash from my corny dog Tuesday morning, a garage door opener, a knife (I use to open mail, pick my fingernails & cut food, nasty huh?), 2 butterscotch dum dums, several new and opened water bottles, Skylar's green jacket, my pink wind breaker, the cubby in the drivers's door has my work stuff...keys, nametag, pager, scissors, 2 pens, lipstick, eyedrops and look, that's where I put my wedding ring :), the cubby by Skylar's door has a brush and McDonald's toys. Not bad for me. The trunk has my camera bag, the empty box for my Flip, a shoebox of the important stuff from the Honda, you know ketchup, mustard, salt, Chuck E Cheese tickets, CD cases, a used qtip?, and an ILY note from Kevin, can I get an awwwwww? Several library books and a shoebox with a pair of shoes I bought Skylar that have been on their way back to Payless since February! Okay, thats my list, now submit yours and lets laugh together!

Monday, May 12, 2008

The weekend

Let me tell you about my weekend. Actually it started Thursday on my way to work. While I was driving down 198, running late as usual, there was this dog. Stupid dog, just sitting on the side of the road not close to any houses just watching the cars going by. I thought, well crap, someone will make a pancake out of him. I know it wasn't right but running late I kept driving. I told myself after Kevin got Skylar dropped off I'd make him go check on the stupid dog. And NO, that was not the first time I would have made him drive and check on a pet. Anyway, I forgot after I got to work and didn't think about it until late that afternoon. Surprise, I am not all together. Well, long story short, on my way home Friday morning, guess who was sitting in the same spot on the side of the road. Yep, we call her Zoey and are seriously hoping someone answers our ad for a lost pup. Her poor little feet are worn to the bone and one of her nails is infected. Every rib shows, not to mention her tailbone but as you can see below, she is having a hard time adjusting at our zoo. NOT!

Thursday afternoon, Skylar was in the mood to be a fashion model and let me take some pictures of her around the yard. That is rare, she usually hides from the camera. She is growing so fast and is so beautiful and smart.

Friday dawned as the day before the prom! We had to get a manicure and a pedicure and the night went on until early morning as Katelyn and her friend, Bekah sought the perfect hairstyle.

As you can see below, they did find the perfect style and thanks to Katelyn's aunt she had the perfect dress to match. I can't believe she is old enough for a prom!

She went with her boyfriend, JJ. Don't tell him I said so, but he is a mother's dream for her daughter's boyfriend. He is kind, is extremely easy going and challenges her to be her best at everything she tries. I tell him all the time I hate him and he thinks I am terrific too. haha. They had a great time at the prom.

This also happened to be mother's day weekend and those who know me know that I have such a hard time with mother's day. I miss my mom all year long but especially around mother's day. I lost my mom this time of year and it is incredibly hard to feel festive when I just want my MOM to be a part of my life now. Now that I sorta have it all together. My kids try to make it special but sometimes it is hard to put on the happy face. This year Kevin and Skylar got themselves a "parrotlet" disguised as my present. Yep, a minature parrot! Just what I needed. Now I get to feed 4 dogs, that includes the 1 from Thursday, a momma cat and 4 babies, 2 tanks of fish, a hamster, a rabbit, an iguana and a turtle, 3 kids, their friends, Kevin and a parrotlet! Am I blessed or what? I think I am. Anyway, I made it through another mother's day. So how was weekend?